Sunday, June 07, 2009

Terrible Yellow Eyes

Recently, Cory Godbey put together a collection of paintings inspired by Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. It showcases the works of a number of really brilliant artists and is a great tribute to Sendak. 
It is one of the most outstanding stories that I can remember from my childhood. It is a great pleasure to be able to contribute to this collection.

Preliminary Sketches

I've always loved the characters of the Wild Things. With simple, clear design they manage to communicate the perfect balance of emotion for what you would imagine giant wild animals on a far-off island might look like.  
I love that Sendak doesn't fill in all the details, he leaves it just vague enough so that it is a pleasure to wander around in the world, and to imagine the possibilities for yourself. I respect him for this restraint. 


  1. Love the sketches, it's going to be beautiful.

  2. Saw your final painting on the TYE site, it's AWESOME!
