Friday, December 30, 2011

The Forest Troll Part II: Dwarf Studies

Next: Troll Studies


  1. Great stuff, especially those head studies. The linework in those beards flows like water.

  2. I could look at your sketches all day! MORE MORE!!! :)

  3. Justin! you are always my inspiration
    How did you study the head by photo reference? or just imagination..?

  4. Hi Rajesh,
    I didn't do any photo-reference for the study in this case. I did however, have a particular person in mind when I did the face.
    Sometimes I will use a mirror and my own expressions for a certain look. Other times I may try to remember the look on someone's face, which is what I did here.

  5. Expressions! Fantastic.

    Your illustrations make me nostalgic for my preadolescence, flipping through adventure books for young readers, hoping the next page I read held an image.

    Thanks for the post and Happy New Year!

  6. Thanx Justin!Happy new year!!.

  7. Do you do all of your drawings traditionally or is there a point where you begin drawing digitally? Thanks.

  8. Hi Shara,

    I draw all my drawings traditionally. The only point that I may draw digitally is if I need to correct something really glaring in a drawing. In which case I scan the image into Photoshop, adjust as necessary, print the image back out, transfer a basic outline the new design it to a new sheet of paper, and redraw it all over again.
