Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Work for DragonCon 2012

So I have been busy working on some new imagery for DragonCon 2012.  I will have a booth there (as will fellow Muddy, Dan Dos Santos.)  If you will be attending stop by and say hello.

It will be my first year at the convention, and I want to make a good impression.
So I canned my original idea of Ninjas vs. Bears as being out of place for this event, and I went with something more traditional.  (I am not ruling out Ninjas vs. Bears for next year's Spectrum Live though.)

These are my studies for a more DragonCon-themed image.  This one continues the thread of; if I was a player in some fantasy story, I'd probably be the guy who made the really dumb mistake and got us all in a lot of trouble.
In this case, our hero is thinking, 'maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all,' as he tries to quietly draw his sword. The dragon has its head up, suddenly alert.

Next week: Watercolor and Final.


  1. Hope its OK to say this, but this feels like an advancement or change in your art. You've done very blue images, you've done dragons vs. knights and pretty sure this will have those awesome glows again, but overall this seems like an image quite far removed from previous works of yours. If that dappled light against the cold environment will carry through, we are in for a blast of an image. Very excited for it!!!

  2. In my opinion this is awesome, I really love this dragon. Can I ask you which type of paper do you use for the studies? Thank you!!

    1. It is the paper from the Cachet Earthbound sketchbooks. Hard to find much anymore.

  3. This is really breath taking and it is not even done yet...I can not wait to see the result of this beautiful piece. I really wish I could come to Dragon Con this year, it would be an honor to meet you in person. Also, will you be adding any more of your sketchbooks to Etsy?

    1. I will, but probably not until around DragonCon. I should also be adding some other new items to the store about that time as well....

  4. This is gorgeous! the colors are looking beautiful so far, im looking forward to see the finished piece!

  5. Beautiful expression on your warrior's face. Man, that is just so nice! Thanks for the inspiration. God Bless!

  6. Great process again. I am curious how the water gish will turn out as I think its the most difficult part of the piece, at least it would be for me. ^^
