Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So.... Anyone else excited about The Hobbit this week?


  1. Babysitter scheduled, tickets for the 48 fps reserved, and no work... "The board is set, the pieces are moving..."

  2. Absolutely! Just rewatched the LotR trilogy this weekend to mentally prepare for another venture into Middle Earth.

  3. I am! And a fabulous drawing of Gandalf! I've been drawing some hobbit stuff over on my blog - sort of trying to get some original ideas out before they're blown away by Jackson's. I've only done a goblin and Bilbo so far, but I've enjoyed it. You can see them over at drawingthesword.blogspot.com
    Enjoy the movie Justin!

  4. HERE HERE! Can't wait to see it. Well done, shire-dweller. Gandalf would be pleased.

  5. Sure am! It's going to be cool to see how the many artists interpret the many interesting tales of the Hobbit.

  6. YES. Totally going at midnight.

  7. Totally excited! And awesome drawing!

  8. Totally going to the midnight showing tonight! It's my first midnight so I'm SUPER stoked! :D

  9. Me too ! :)
    Nice rendition of Gandalf, and great blog !
    it's not the first time I come by...

  10. Outstanding drawing! And the hobbit was great!

  11. And I must say I love how Gandalf's eyebrow stick out past the brim of his hat in this picture–just like the book says they do.

  12. Today in Russia, "The Hobbit" comes out of the film. We were looking forward

  13. Saw it in the theater, and almost worried that it wouldn't make up for the crud-load of ads/previews I was forced to sit through. Fortunately, it did. :)

  14. Yes, better than I expected it to be but as good as it ought to have been! Justin, your Tolkien-related art is up there with the best i.e. Alan Lee & John Howe - if Peter Jackson had more sense he would've hired you as a conceptual designer on the movie/s!
