Monday, January 19, 2009

The Reluctant Dragon: Thumbnail

This week I take yet another brief step away from the Hobbit illustrations to do some experimenting. This time it will be in oil.

This thumbnail is one I did for the Reluctant Dragon.  This is a fairy tale that I have wanted illustrate for a long time, and this first adventure in oils seems like the perfect opportunity for it. 
And so I am pulling out both the oil paints as well as every scrap of literature I can find on Rembrandt. Of the great Masters, he is the one I am always drawn to the most. There is a gem-like quality to his paintings that destroy me. His work is terrifically inspiring.  


  1. "Gem-like" is the perfect way to describe the painting of the windmill. Such an effective use of shadow and color.

  2. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Good luck.

  3. i like his contrast between extreme detail (jeweled clothing) and the fuzzy edges he leaves. can you dare not to make everything as clean in oil as you do in digital??!
    hope so! that would be exciting.

  4. rembrandt is a god, "gem like" is perfect.

  5. Hey Justin
    some really cool stuff here - ill keep checking back!!
