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Friday, November 06, 2009

Elderly Faun Acrylic Stage


  1. interesting...i see you have watercolors on your site. do you usually do an acrylic underpainting? how do you plan to complete this?
    also, are you working on illustration board?

    i am a digital painter but i've been working on my own personal projects - just experimenting with techniques. i love the layering your watercolors have. it's a great look!

  2. Hey Justin, this is looking really great. Question: are acrylics more difficult to use than watercolors? I know you usually use watercolors, and lately you've been using oils. Which method is your favorite?

  3. Hey all,

    I occasionally will work an acrylic underpainting in a painting just to lock in the values before going in with oil. Its really helpful if you are wanting to start the painting quickly without having to wait for a first layer of oil to dry. If I am not in a time crunch on a piece I would prefer to do this step in oil because traditional oil is so much easier to paint with and I love the look of a traditional oil underpainting.

    I enjoy working with acrylics, just not exclusively. They work a lot like watercolor, but can have a tendency to look plastic if you are not very careful with them. In this they are a bit more difficult than watercolor, but they are far more versatile and there are many more options and ways to work with them. I love using acrylics in conjunction with other mediums. In this case, they make for a really helpful permanent underpainting to work over.

    I am working on gessoed masonite for this piece. This is my favorite surface to work with in oils.

    Thanks for all the feedback!

  4. How often do you do underpaintings with dead things resting on the paper?

    I'm very curious, Justin.

    Also, did you make the cup on the upper right yourself?

    I'm curous about that as well. That's two curious'es. Bi-curious.

    (See how far I was willing to go to get to that mediocre joke? Dedication, Justin. Dedication.)

    The work is gorgeous as per usual. Sorry I missed you and the gang at Illuxcon. -Scott

  5. Scott,
    I often work with dead things on or around each of my paintings. The purpose is 2-fold. (or Bi-fold if you prefer)
    #1 To remind myself always of the transitory nature of existence.
    #2 To grant myself the power to cast undead spells on my paintings.
    These comes in very handy when you screw up as many pieces as I do.

    And no, I did not make the cup you see in the picture. A company named Portland Studios that is based in the UK heard about our American company of the same name and sent us hand-crafted mugs with our mutual name on them.

    And wish you could have made it to illuxcon, it was a blast!
